Top Stroller Trends That Every Parent Should Know About

Parents looking for a stroller that can grow with their family should consider options like the Doona infant car seat and stroller all-in-one. Its back seat converts into a standing platform and bench seat for older kids, similar to the Joovy Caboose Too Ultralight.

The best double strollers should offer flexible seating configurations and a spacious canopy. They also should fold easily and stand up afterward for easy storage and transportation.

The Foldable Stroller

Strollers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they fold. This means you can store them in the trunk of your car, under a table at a restaurant, or in a closet at home. This feature makes them a practical option for parents with limited storage space and those who travel frequently.

Another benefit of owning a stroller is that it allows you to conveniently carry all your baby’s essentials in the spacious storage basket. This includes diapers, wipes, extra clothes, snacks, toys, and more. Plus, you can hang additional bags on the handlebar to hold things like keys, wallets, and coffee cups.

Lastly, strollers are lightweight and maneuverable, which makes them easy to push and take in and out of your vehicle. This feature is particularly helpful if you’re driving through congested areas, such as busy shopping centers or crowded streets.

When it comes to the comfort of your child, most strollers nowadays have been designed with both function and comfort in mind. Features such as padded seats, adjustable recline, and extendable canopies ensure your baby is snug and comfortable. Meanwhile, parents can enjoy a smooth ride thanks to the suspension and large back tires.

For those looking for a lightweight travel stroller, consider the Familidoo Plie, which won one of our 2023 Best Strollers awards. It has a sleek design that is super compact when it’s folded, making it easier to fit in the trunk of your car and easy to maneuver on the go. The stroller also has a handful of convenient features, including a snack tray, deep recline, and a large canopy to block the sun. Plus, it auto-folds when you press two easy-to-use buttons on the push bar, so you can get it ready in just seconds. Explore travel stroller options,such as those from Chicco, and consider using a Chicco Coupon for potential savings on your purchase.

The Self-Folding Stroller

Strollers should feel comfortable for both the children riding in them and the adults pushing them. This is why a great handlebar height (or adjustable) is important, as is good padding and an easy-to-access basket. Some strollers are also designed to be as lightweight as possible, which makes them a great choice for travel.

Some of our top strollers in this category are even built to collapse into a tiny carry-on size. For example, the GB Qbit+ All-City Stroller is similar to our Best Overall runner-up pick, the Nuna TRVL, and folds down to almost airline-approved dimensions with just one push of two buttons. It's also a less-expensive option, making it a great choice for parents on a budget.

The newest generation of travel strollers is getting more and more sophisticated, with features like a deeper recline and a bigger storage basket. One of our favorite newcomers is the Contours Itsy Stroller, which takes popular stroller styles and designs, like the Pockit's compact fold, and improves on them. This includes a higher-quality build, dynamic dual-wheel suspension, a large UPF 50+ sun canopy, and more.

This stroller also has a clever feature that allows it to fold by using kinetic energy. Press two buttons on the handlebar and watch it fold into a compact standing package, ready to be heaved into an overhead bin or carried on your shoulder. It's a great choice for parents who plan to use their stroller as a travel system or for air travel, as it can also be used for infants from birth with the purchase of an add-on bassinet or car seat adapters. (See our guide for choosing the best car seat and stroller combo.)

The Travel System Stroller

When you’re a brand-new parent, it feels like any trip out the door can be a major undertaking. Even if your baby is contented in their infant car seat, it can be a pain to schlep them from vehicle to stroller and back again. Thankfully, travel system strollers can help make this transition as smooth as possible for both you and your little one.

A travel system combines a full-size stroller with a compatible infant car seat that clicks into the stroller and secures to the base for a seamless transition between vehicles and on foot. They’re especially useful for trips and errands where you’ll be making multiple stops on the car ride home. Travel systems are also great if you can’t decide between a stroller and car seat from the same brand, since they come with everything you need in one package.

If you’re interested in a travel system, look for a model that can adapt to your family’s specific needs. You may prefer a sleek and slender style that can squeak through narrow sidewalks and parking lots, or you might want a larger model that can grow with your child and convert into a double stroller for the future. If you’re planning to do a lot of outdoor activities, check for features like adjustable suspension and wheels that can handle bumps and other rough terrain.

For double strollers, you might prefer a reversible seat option that lets you face

your children either forward or backward so they can both see what’s going on around them. Also, look for strollers with a single-hand fold and an automatic locking mechanism to prevent them from accidentally folding while in use or being jostled on the road. Explore double stroller options and other travel gear at Chicco, and consider using a Babies & Kids Coupons for potential savings on your purchase of a convenient and versatile stroller for your family's needs.

The All-Terrain Stroller

When you’re an outdoor-loving family, owning an all-terrain stroller is a must. It allows you to take your kiddos on hikes and through forest trails with ease. It also helps acclimate them to the outdoors at a young age, which can make them love it more later in life.

Typically, an all-terrain stroller will have a suspension system, which will help to reduce bumps and shocks. It will also have a wide stance and high-end wheels, which will help to keep the stroller stable. This is because when you’re running or going over rough terrain, you don’t want your stroller to topple over on you.

These strollers are also usually designed with your baby’s comfort in mind, so they will often feature a seat that can be adjusted for their needs. They will also have a lot of padding to help absorb the impact of bumps and rocks on the road or trail. You can also find a few that offer reclining options, which is great for naptime or letting them relax and watch the scenery.

Some all-terrain strollers will even allow you to attach a bassinet or infant car seat. This is ideal if you’re traveling with twins or if you have a toddler and an infant. This is a unique feature that not many strollers can offer, and it can help you save money on multiple products!

Depending on your budget, you can get a basic all-terrain stroller for as low as $150. However, you should also be prepared to spend a little more on the extra features and functionality. A more expensive model will be able to support children of a larger weight range and can accommodate car seats or baby carriers.

The Car Seat Stroller

A car seat stroller is the easiest way to transport your infant while also getting them out and about. Whether you're on a quick trip to the grocery store or out for an all-day stroll, your baby will be comfy and safe in their car seat while riding in the stroller.

Car seat strollers usually consist of a two-piece set featuring an infant car seat that clips into a matching stroller. Some are one-piece models (like the Doona) while others have a built-in bassinet option for newborns. Some even come with a stay-in-car base so you can use the car seat in Ubers or other rideshares.

While there are many benefits to owning a car seat stroller, it can be heavy and may not steer well on certain types of terrain. Plus, it can be difficult to lift the car seat in and out of the vehicle or trunk, so if that's a factor for you, consider opting for a lighter model.

Nevertheless, many great car seat strollers get top ratings from parents and experts alike for their versatility, ease of use, and functionality. Take the Baby Trend Flexi Ride Travel System, for example, which combines an excellent baby car seat with a stroller that features multiple reclining positions, a large canopy and snack tray, and a height-adjustable handlebar.

The best part is that this model accommodates most major infant car seats with click-in adaptors (sold separately) from big brands such as Graco, Chicco, and Evenflo, so you can easily switch your baby between the car and the stroller. And while it is a bit pricey, the quality and convenience of this car seat stroller make it worth the extra investment for many families.


There are several stroller trends that parents should be aware of to make informed decisions when purchasing a stroller. These trends include lightweight and compact strollers, all-terrain strollers, strollers with reversible seats, travel system strollers, and strollers with adjustable handlebars. By considering these trends, parents can find a stroller that fits their needs and lifestyle while ensuring their child's safety and comfort.


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