The Best Treadmill For Your Home Gym Review by Expert

No home gym is complete without a treadmill. To choose the best one for you, certified personal trainer Courtney Pardini suggests considering factors like motor power and deck size.

This model supports a maximum of 400 pounds and has an impressively broad range of speed, incline, and decline options (including -3% decline). Quick controls on the console offer fuss-free adjustments during interval training.

The Bowflex BXT8J

If you’re looking for a treadmill that can fit easily in your home gym and has all the features that you need, the Bowflex BXT8J is an excellent choice. This model offers all the basics, including 26 built-in workout programs, a high max speed of 12MPH, and a 15% motorized incline. It also has a 20” x 60” running deck, which is larger than many other models on the market.

The console features an LCD screen that displays important metrics such as time, distance, incline, and calories burned. The screen is Bluetooth enabled to connect to the JRNY app for more in-depth data and to track progress over time. The BXT8J also comes with a wireless heart rate chest strap and contact grips for monitoring your pulse. It also has a media shelf for your smartphone or tablet, which is nice to have when watching TV or working during a workout.

In addition to its basic layout and included features, the BXT8J doesn’t require wifi to use, which makes it less tech-reliant than some of the brand’s other treadmills. It’s a great option for those who prefer to stick with their own devices instead of using an onboard app and can benefit from the savings that come with it.

One thing that sets this model apart from some other treadmills is its ability to fold with the touch of a button, which can save space when not in use. The SoftDrop folding system is easy to use and allows you to move the treadmill around the house with ease. The BXT8J is available for online purchase at the Bowflex website Best Buy. It is also available for in-store purchases at select retailers and Dick’s Sporting Goods locations.

As with all treadmills, it’s important to keep your machine clean and lubricated regularly to avoid damage and prolong the life of your belt. This is especially important if you live in an area with dusty weather conditions. Bowflex treadmills include a maintenance kit that includes cleaning solution and lubricant to help you keep your equipment in top condition. Consider utilizing the Best Buy Coupon for potential savings when purchasing your treadmill maintenance kit or any other fitness equipment accessories.

The Bowflex BXT10

This treadmill from Bowflex is one of the best high-end home cardio machines you can buy. The model is equipped with a 4-horsepower motor, a large 60” x 22” running surface, and Comfort Tech deck cushioning to absorb shock and reduce impact at any speed. It also has a 5% to 15% motorized decline/incline range, so you can simulate hills for more dynamic workouts.

The console is integrated with the JRNY app, which offers studio-style classes and adaptive virtual coach workouts. A 1-year JRNY membership is included with the purchase of this machine. You can also stream your Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and Amazon Prime accounts to keep yourself entertained while you exercise. The console has a 10-inch HD touchscreen that displays your workout stats while you run and track your progress over time.

Like other Bowflex models, this one is durable and can support a user of up to 400 pounds. It also features a 4.0 CHP motor with a top speed of 12 mph, which can handle most beginners and advanced runners alike. The console includes nine pre-programmed workouts that you can select with quick-select buttons and a designated tablet holder you can use to watch TV while working out.

A built-in device shelf and USB charging port are standard features on this model, as well as a pair of front-facing speakers, a small fan, and more places than you could need to hold water bottles and other accessories. It also has an armband heart rate monitor, pulse sensors on the extended handlebars, and Bluetooth connectivity to connect with wireless headphones and Zwift.

The main drawback of this model is its bulky design and the difficulty of folding and storing it after a workout. It can be assembled by a professional for an additional fee, or you can buy a kit to save some money on the assembly process. You’ll need a good amount of space to house this machine, so be sure to measure before you buy it. If you have any questions, the company has a helpful FAQ page.

The Bowflex BXT22

The Bowflex BXT22 is a high-end, commercial-grade treadmill that comes with an expansive 22” touchscreen and powerful performance features. It has a library of pre-programmed workouts, making it easy for you to diversify your exercise routine and stay motivated during every session. Plus, it’s easy to monitor your progress on the BXT22, giving you a clear view of your health journey from warm-up to cool-down.

With a 4.0 horsepower motor and a huge running deck, the BXT22 can accommodate runners of all shapes and sizes. The deck is cushioned with Comfort Tech, which reduces impact even when you’re sprinting or completing HIIT workouts. The machine also has a 20% incline and -5% decline, which gives you plenty of options for hill training.

The BXT22 has a large HD touchscreen that allows you to navigate the JRNY fitness app easily and enjoy entertainment. The treadmill’s console has buttons in multiple locations, including on the handrails and extended handlebars. The lower console has speed and incline adjustment buttons that are quick to access when you’re using the treadmill. The BXT22 also includes AutoAdjust, which automatically adjusts the speed and incline during iFit workouts.

The Bowflex BXT22 is more expensive than some other treadmills, but it’s worth the extra cost if you’re serious about running or need a treadmill for your home gym. It also offers financing, which makes it easier to buy if you’re not prepared to put down the full price right away. Consider checking for a Health & Beauty Coupon to potentially save on the purchase of the Bowflex BXT22 or other fitness equipment.

The Horizon Fitness TR Folding Treadmill

If you’re new to working out or just starting a walking or jogging routine, the treadmill can be a great way to keep your goals on track without a gym membership. However, not all treadmills are created equal. The best ones are made to last, fit into your home, and have plenty of features to keep you motivated during your workouts.

Certified personal trainer Courtney Pardini says that when it comes to purchasing a treadmill, you should be mindful of physical factors like belt length and horsepower as well as things that can affect your exercise experience like noise level and the size of the screen. She also suggests comparing incline variability. In addition to evaluating how much each machine can vary its incline, look at whether you can adjust the incline with the press of a button and how easy it is to set up your fitness apps.

For those who love the idea of working out on a treadmill but need to save space in their home, the Horizon Fitness TR folding treadmill is an ideal choice. It has a compact, foldable design and a sturdy build that allows it to support up to 350 pounds.

Additionally, the TR has QuickDial controls that simplify speed and incline adjustments without breaking your stride. You simply roll the dial forward to increase the speed and backward to decrease it. It’s also designed to be quieter than other models on the market, running at a maximum of 59 decibels when you’re at 5 mph, which is similar to a conversation held three feet apart.

The Horizon TR also includes Bluetooth connectivity so that you can pair it with 50-plus popular fitness apps, including Peloton, Nike Run Club, Studio, Zwift, and Barry’s. You can even stream classes directly from your smartphone or tablet. And if you’re concerned about spending money on a machine that might not be the right fit, it has a generous return policy.


Choosing the right treadmill for your home gym can be a daunting task. It is important to consider your fitness goals, budget, and the features you need to make the most out of your workout. By consulting with experts and doing thorough research, you can find the best treadmill that suits your needs. Remember, investing in a high-quality treadmill is a great way to stay fit and healthy from the comfort of your own home.


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